Jonathan Mucherino´s seminar
Jonathan presented his lastest attempts to establish a hybrid strategy for genome assembly of amazonian endemic species.
Jonathan presented his lastest attempts to establish a hybrid strategy for genome assembly of amazonian endemic species.
Larissa presented her progress to understand the population genetics of endemic plant species of the amazon forest.
Marcelle showed her results with the BME26 tick embryonic cell lineage and the role of AMPK in metabolic regulation. Marcelle was co-supervised with Carlos Logullo (IBqM/UFRJ).
This week, at the LICM weekly meeting, we had a presentation by postdoc Allan P.B. Pozzobon, with the project on the diversity of species found in ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and…
Daniele Santos provided a brief description of her latest results regarding kissing bugs and transposases as well as her attempts to perform insitu hybridization in mosquito guts.
The Funcional Genomics Unit of NUPEM received the technician Eder Pires from Illumina who provided a course on next generation sequence.
Ian presented his latest results of his research regarding leg regeneration on the model beetle Tribolium Castanuem. His results shown that a particular transcriptor factor called Zelda seems to be…
This week, at the LICM weekly meeting, we had a presentation by postdoc Allan P.B. Pozzobon, with the project on the diversity of species found in ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and…
Alessandra's Thesis defense for PhD degree, addressing the topic of studying the roles of juvenile hormones and ecdysone in the development of the Tribolium castaneum beetle.